Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

MEMORANDUM TO:  The Matriarch of the Family
FROM:  A Heart Full of Love and Gratitude
DATE: Mother's Day, 2009
SUBJECT:  A Happy and Blessed Mother's Day!

This is a day of honor; a day when we acknowledge the greatness of God's gift to all humankind! You are the essence of what it means to be created in the image of God--living in FAITH, giving HOPE, and demonstrating LOVE! And, the greatest of these is LOVE! 

When the Lord divinely appoints one to motherhood, He has chosen a vessel who has the ability to: 
  • Love unconditionally (heart), 
  • Impart wisdom (mind),
  • Egregiously defend with all that is within you (core of your soul),
  • Train, teach, discipline (spiritual),
  • Nurture the wounds with affection and care-and our little pets, too (physical) 
  • Create joy, happiness, laughter, and tears (emotional)
  • Endure sacrifices (humility),
  • Gracefully deal with death and exhibit strength (loss),
  • Exercise good judgment (strength and conviction), and
  • Enjoy the fruits of her labor (honor). 
As a mother, your demonstration of these attributes have contributed to the success of the people, who, in turn, now rise and call you blessed, praise your worth, honor you, and who stand on your shoulders--for you are the giant who has elevated and encouraged us; and not just we - your children - but those to whom you pastor, counsel, and befriend.

Thank you, with gratitude, for all that you are and for being the person, along with dad, who anchored the family [and church] through the storms; lifted up the family when we were down; cried with the family when the going got tough; taught the family to love GOD; and rejoiced with the family [and church] when the Lord blessed with abundance! 
Thank you for "turning the world on with your smile, and taking a nothing day, and making it all seem worthwhile!"

Because of you and dad, our FAITH is strong, we know our HOPE is eternal, and we have a greater understanding and have experienced God's LOVE demonstrated through you! 
You're the greatest!

Happy Mother's Day! 
I LOVE you!

BLESSINGS: "Her children arise up and call her blessed: her husband also, and he praiseth her." Proverbs 31:28


Anonymous said...

Thank you Laura! Here is where the Blessing comes into play: these same words can apply to each of my daughters, mothers or not except when it comes to being the Pastor of a church. Even then they have an active part, and fulfill some of these same charastics. More gifts from Mom!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom!!! Happy Mother's Day!! And also, Happy Mother's Day to the Mother's in our family. They have also blessed us with nephews and a niece!! And so goes the trickle effect of gifts and blessings handed down from one generation to the other. F

Anonymous said...

Happy Mom's Day! May it be a wonderful day for you and may the year ahead be just as wonderful. We thank you for all you do for all of us and think of you often. Our family is highly favored.