Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mark's A Home Run!

You're going to be an auntie!!!

We were celebrating a nice, calm Mother's Day when the phone rang; It was a long distance call from my brother-in-law and sister, "Hey Gramaw and Grampaw!" My mom replied with, "really", as a HUGE grin swept across her face. I think I may have witnessed a little "happy" tear, as I was jumping up-n-down and grabbing at the phone. Dad jolted to the phone and repeated my mom's expression, and added with an equally wide grin, "a little tow-headed fella, huh?" The News....they were going to be first-time grandparents....and I was going to be a seven-year-old auntie!!!

My nephew, my friend was the first son, grandson, nephew to join the family and we were estatic. We could hear his little cry over the phone, as he didn't really cry, rather whimpered.

As time went on, he soon informed us that "gas was too much"; polyester itched; winner takes all in the game of Life, Monopoly, Risk, and Stratego, and he was out to win; that people could be out-thunk by his sharp and quick mind (I know, but I like that word); money was equivalent to gold and should be spent on baseball cards only; little, plastic army men were a boy's best friend and playing war was exciting; reciting all the President's of the US was nothing rare in your five-year-old world; vegetables stunk (rhymes with out-thunk); Aunts and Uncle G were the best thing since sliced bread (yep, we still are!); Christmas in MinneSNOWta was week-long party-time; and, the Vikings ruled the world!

Mark and I would sit for hours (and occasionally let the other aunties in on it, too) playing Monopoly or Risk and eating our favorite chips. However, it really wasn't a game of fun, rather an opportunity to conquer, defeat the opponent (his aunty), and WIN! Uh, right, you guessed it...I won-okay, not much. When we weren't playing games, we were traveling to Russia, sailing the Baltic Sea to Finland, and strapping ourselves to the bunk beds so we wouldn't fall out from the harsh sea - his bed-belt snapped a little too hard and gave him a permanent red mark on his chest (and aunty never laughed so hard in my life-bwaaahaahaaa! oops), buying homemade bread and crystal in Poland, flea marketing in Germany, and eating pizza in London (what are fish-n-chips?) Oh, and getting harassed by gypsies. Oh Cheeeettttt! (Inside joke - ask Mark about this if you really wanna know.) Lots of adventure --fingernails never tasted so good. :)

As an adult, his ambition turned to education, debate, travel-planner extraordinaire, analyzing peeps and situations, libraries, politics, sticking to his religious beliefs, enjoying a good laugh and family fellowship, winning elections, and marrying the love of his life, buying a home, and taking pride in his beautiful gifts from God, his children.
I am one PROUD auntie!

So, on this very special day, a day when I honor my nephew-my bud, I pray God's blessings and wisdom for you. May the Lord grant you strength to endure the busy days, wisdom to make good decisions, discernment to know what is right so you may strategize the next move, and the ability to continue seeking after His will for your life.

You are loved and highly revered in the family. You take a special position as the "first" which lends itself to your natural gift and favor to always come out on top, get the best deal, or the one chosen to win a prize. Our prize! Your prize is....Christ Jesus...and your aunty...just sayin') :) Happy Birthday with stadium-like-cheers of love and admiration!

BLESSINGS: "I press toward the MARK for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARKUS!! He loves good times with family loaded with fun, laughs and adventure. Mark has a memory of an elephant - so beware! I've never seen anyone: laugh so hard (face is a tomato), be so lucky (or shall we say, blessed), be so competitive (it's not about losing in Mark's world) and be so true to his spiritual beliefs. So many memories!! May you be blessed with the best year yet!!!! Love, AF

Anonymous said...

A loyal and faithful family man who we always enjoy being with and trying to outwit. A traveling companion who plans the agenda and we walk until our feet fall off but come home saying we had the best trip ever and saw everything we wanted to see and do. Planning a tea in London for all the girls on the trip with hilarious results (see the video). A1ways ready to plan the next adventure with great deals in mind. A WINNER!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Blog on Mark!!! It was fun to read

Anonymous said...

How do you have so much information. You must keep a special book. You do such a great job at this.

Anonymous said...

Is he tow-headed or two-headed?