Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Thanksgiving Cornucopia

From Plymouth Rock in 1620 to The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in 2008...We still eat birds, corn, pumpkin (pie), and celebrate the blessings of God's the form of a parade, perhaps! (Oh, be mindful of the runaway Macy's M&M balloon, Peeps.) ow. 

This particular blog is indeed a cornucopia of T'giving stuff, as in, no REAL train of thought on anything. Come on, who can think when turkey-trimming scents are wafting from the kitchen causing my tummy to orchestrate it's own hungry choir of growls-n-gurgles?

Beautiful table settings,
Grandma's gold-trimmed special china,
Family: laughter, sharing, teasing, opinions, games, more laughing (and eating...burp)!,
Entering into His gates with THANKSGIVING,
Turkey and trimmings,
Macy's Parade and pop-up books,
1620's Plymouth Rock,
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving,
Family Football,
Volunteering to serve the homeless,

Dad's spunk (and leadership) - Mama's determination (and gracefulness) - Dr. Clyde's wisdom - Gary's provision - Pretzel's humor - Marcia's talent - Maryanne's generosity - Faith's creativity - Sharon's ideas - My goofiness - Mark's teasing - Jonathan's heart - David's ambition - Sarah's domesticity - Susan's courage - Jared's strength - Kiwi's sparkle - Katie's giggles - Maddy's silliness - Melissa's feistiness - Andrew's little smirk; our family cornucopia! 

May you be BLESSED. May you be a BLESSING. And, GIVE THANKS for His bountiful BLESSINGS, my Dear Peeps! 

PS. Hats off  to all the culinary experts!

BLESSINGS: "He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor." Proverbs 22: 9 (Lord, bless those less fortunate than me. May you meet them at their point of need! Amen.)



Anonymous said...

Hi Laura!! We missed you at Thanksgiving! See you in a few weeks. It was fun reading the Thanksgiving blog.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a nice day and some good food. We missed you!

Happy leftover day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Laura! Hope you enjoyed your day. Maybe see ya at Christmas!