Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall Fun-timents

Cider, wood burning, golden-crunchy leaves, and's Fall! The greenery of summer gives way to the transformation of Fall. So, on this first day of Fall, I share a very special poem from a very special author...

"Summer is over, and the fall has come,
Best time of the year, according to some!
The green of the grass has turned to brown,
It won't be long and the leaves will be down.

The pond is quiet, but the ducks are still there,
Choosing their mates for the coming year.
The squirrels are busy building their nests; 
The wind has grown cold, blowing from the Northwest!
The plants are all droopy, the frost hit them hard,
And I no longer sit out in my back yard.

Soon winds from the North will begin to blow,
And all will be covered with a blanket of snow.
But I will be warm all cozy and snug,
Happy as a bug, wrapped in a rug!!!"

Thank you for sharing, Mama! I love you!
 (oops, perhaps I should get her permission to publish...shhhh!)

Fall Blessing: "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His Harvest." Matthew 9: 38


Anonymous said...

permission granted! I'm honored!

Anonymous said...

Love the poem! How perfect for this time of year! Good idea.

Anonymous said...

awww - this is nice. Cute poem!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to do some poem-publishing!

Anonymous said...

I too love being happy as a bug, and warm, cozy and snug...with Russian tea! It's my favorite time of year!

Anonymous said...

Creation sings the "Hallelujah Chorus" with its overwhelming beauty.

Anonymous said...

and everyone chime in..."HALLELUJAH!"