I always admired my mom for her steel extrerior and velvet interior. You see, being a pastor's wife, a hard-working mom, and later a pastor, one learns to quickly develop thick skin, and yet remain sensitive to the needs of people. This classy lady, my mama(z), can handle the pressures of life and the ravages of those with ill-behavior, and handle the most difficult personalities; yet demonstrate extreme sensitivity by giving a maternal stroke on the forehead to a dying parishioner with great ease and genuine care and grace. I've witnessed it.
She can also enjoy the lap of luxury (she drives a caddy, travels to Euro, and vacations on the gulf!) And, I might add, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :) Did I mention that she is also one of the smartest and most creative people I know?
There is a little known fact that my mom loves the song "Edelweiss" from the production of "The Sound of Music". Ironically, the history and definition of the Edelweiss flower is replicative of my mama. The Edelweiss flower is one of the most beautiful, sought after, and organic and fragrant flowers in the world. It adapts to climatic extremes. It has deep roots and velvet-like leaves which protects it from the ravages and damages of mother nature. It was the flower of luxury and was coveted by emperors and kings.
So, how valuable was this flower? (According to google) -- "Love-struck men would try to endear themselves by collecting Edelweiss from the hard crags and ledges in the High Alpine of Europe. During these quests many died from falls, or succumbed to exposure, insufficiently prepared for weather changes. Dozens perished in one season. The danger-wrought exercise of collecting such bouquets, proved that the suitor was brave, able-bodied and serious in his intentions and this is why the Edelweiss boutonniere is known as the 'Medal of Honor'". So, that's why my dad walked around with pride! :)
On this very special Birthday, we honor our mama with a virtual bouquet that signifies strength, beauty, tenacity, perseverance, love, mercy, and hard-earned and deserving doses of High Honor. For we, her children, rise up and call her blessed. May we present what we call the Matriarchal Flower--Ellen's Edelweiss!
There was a trend that spread quickly across the different denominations of Christianity in the early 70's and is still common.....the benedictory lyrics "May the Lord, Mighty God" to the tune of "Edelweiss":
May the Lord, Mighty God,
bless, preserve you and keep you,
Give you peace, perfect peace,
courage in every endeavor.
Lift up your eyes and see His face,
and His grace forever.
May the Lord, mighty God,
bless, preserve you and keep you!"
Happy Birthday, Mama! Thank you for all and more! I LOVE you! May you bloom and grow forever!
BLESSINGS: "For we are unto God a sweet fragrance of Christ, in them that are saved..." II Corinthians 2: 15
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With deep love and appreciation we owe a debt of gratitude and respect for a dear person we call "MOM" and "GRANDMA". Our lives are enriched because of our spiritual heritage and many blessings of family.
What an honor to call her "mother"!
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