Monday, October 20, 2008

Miss Swiss-Sweet-Sara

(Image courtesy of google and Swiss Miss.)

Today is Mark's Swiss sweetheart's birthday, my niece-in-law! Yes, it's true, she's Swiss-n-sweet-n-Sara!

I must admit that Mark was one of those nephews who had high expectations for a wife. So high, in fact, that we didn't think he would ever find a traditional, yet modern Miss. He wanted a domestic little lady, yet a go-getter; someone who could cook a great dinner, yet make time to have fun; a smart lassy, yet down-to-earth; pretty, yet low maintenance; conservative, yet feisty; and a super good mommy who would teach their children to pray and love God!

And then.....there was MISS SARA - - who embodied all of the above. Truly! (and, they met in the library - - meant to be!)

When they say there is someone for everyone, this is a true match in heaven; a perfect pair. She exceeded all of our expectations.

So, on this very special October day, we celebrate your life that has added comfort (fabulous choco-chip cookies), zest (cute giggles), and joy (just being you) to our family!

We love you Ms. Sara and thank the Lord for you, for you were the piece of the puzzle that was destined to complete Mark.

Happy Birthday Blessings, Ms Sara!

Blessings: "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her...She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31; 11, 27


Anonymous said...

awwww! This is definitely Sara! cute.

Anonymous said...

yep - bright blue eyes and all!

Anonymous said...

The Lord has blessed our family abundantly above all we could have asked for. Thank you for Sara!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

happy day, sara