Monday, October 13, 2008


Columbus Day! It is the celebration and a day to honor Christopher Columbus' first voyage to the Americas in 1492. The continent, however, was named after the Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci. Am I right, Dr. Root? (...professor of american history and, uh, my bro-in-law.)

Today is a commemorative reminder - or would that be a sober reminder - of America's progression - or digression. That depends on whether your glass is half-empty or half-full.

Today, I can blog, work-out, and visit Starbuckles, at any time of the day. If you work for the Fed Gov, you know what Columbus Day really means....a day off!!! So as I cruise over the Potomac and around the National monuments, with starbucks in hand, I will reflect on the beginnings of our great country and say a prayer for the impending decisions of my fellow Americans that will impact the future and  course of our nation, in a few weeks.

One thing is certain - - we can still proclaim,

BLESSINGS: "Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies." Pslams 40:4

My Prayer:
May God continue to bless America!


Anonymous said...

Remember when Bro. Crusan would sing SHIP AHOOOOOOOY! in church? :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember!

Dad would call Bro. Crusan up to the pulpit and Bro. Crusan couldn't get up there fast enough. He would hurriedly climb those few steps up to the pulpit, grab that microphone, and have the tech guy (whoever it was at that time?) jack up the volume.

He'd sing the lyrics AND THEN his face would turn beet-red as he prepared for his favorite part of the song, and bellow - - "SSSHHHHIIIIPPPP AAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOY!"

Dad would smirk and shout, "sing it, brother?" We'd be, like, "no, not again!" bwaahaahaa!

Lord have mercy!


RIP Bro. Crusan! He is now belting out those words in the heavenly choir, I'm sure. And, dad is probably still encouraging him to, "sing it, brother!" yoiks.

Now I'll be whistling that song all day, 'cept I can't whistle.

Luv to all my peeps,(Ship Ahoy!)

Ms. Blueberry Blessings

Anonymous said...

Hey, how 'bout that Bro. Snavely?

Sharon went all out organizing the C'mas program that year...she had friends coming from work and was so proud of the beautiful church decorations, the music, and all of the Gospel Lighthouse pomp!

Then Ole Bro. Snavely said he had a real special treat. She saved him 'til last. He struts up to the pulpit with his "old-man" shuffle, gets all gussied up for his special part in the program, puts his hand in his coat pocket, and pulls out a........KAZOO!

He starts to play, "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" on HIS KAZOO!!!!!

Best program of all time, folks! Sharon just about fainted, the nephews were doing their under-cover snickering to tears, and dad smirks and shouts, "play it again, brother!"


...the last comment had me reminiscing

Anonymous said...

Oh yep!!!! bwaaahahaa!

She was trying to top my "When They Saw The Star" c'mas program from the previous year - - she won - - thanks to the kazoo!

Who's organiaing the c'mas program this year?

I'll be home for Christmas!

Ms. Blueberry Blessings

Anonymous said...

WOW! All three are in heaven, now. Crusan singing, Ship Ahoy, Old Man Snavely playing his kazoo, and Pastor Drw smirking and shouting, "one more time!"


Anonymous said...

That Christmas morning one of the kids got in our bed at Grandmas house and pretended he was playing his Kazoo and we laughed so hard we all fell out of bed. Bro Snavely added Christmas cheer to all of us that year. Christmas Memories.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Christmas Cheer...Remember the year we TRUMPED all of the other churches and gave out the best, biggest and most Christmas bags!!!

Pies, moon-sized muffins, and tortes! Oh my!

Applies, oranges, and candy! Double Oh my!

Dad didn't brag much, but that year he couldn't stop sharing God's blessings and Gospel Lighthouse's GI-NORMOUS Christmas Bag give-a-way, to all his fellow pastors!